Thursday, February 25, 2010

How nice it is to be taken care of...

So... I was jogging today... for my first time in a few days... and as I was jogging, I was trying out different ways in order to make the jog pass a little smoother. And when I say this, I mean I was trying different breathing techniques, concentrating on my breathing, taking longer breaths, shorter breathes, breathing in every two steps, out every two... whichever way I did it, it seemed as though the air still struggled to suffice my seemingly overwhelming need of oxygen. I looked around, trying to concentrate on the finish line, that seemed too far away, so instead I would just stare at my feet with each step that they took... nothing seemed to distract me from the hard work that the jog entailed. So I finally came to the idea that maybe if I closed my eyes and jogged for a minute... maybe that would somehow make it all easier, I mean, I trusted in the idea that the ground wasn't going anywhere... well, I guess I can't jog in a straight line when my eyes are closed and I ran myself right off the track and skid along the tread... Cut my knee up pretty bad and my hand too. Anyways... the best part of my story... coming to work and Mandi taking care of my wounds... She poured hydrogen peroxide on it, which I learned soon after that it is actually what we're not supposed to use in an open wound, however, and then she bandaged me up like a pro. It was just very nice to be taken care of is all. The hospitality of some people and their true kindness kind of touches my heart. :)

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